Effective Monday, January 31st, 2022, all exterior doors throughout the campus will be locked with the following exceptions:
During business hours, visitors to the campus for reasons other than scheduled gatherings, appointments or prayer (i.e. unscheduled meetings with staff, volunteering, etc.) must check in at the Pastoral Offices building. Visitors who have scheduled appointments with staff members do not need to check in at the Pastoral Offices building nor wear a visitor badge. However, they must be always escorted by staff members.
Ministry Leaders with issued electronic key cards will be able to access relevant facilities outside of the above-mentioned window associated with their scheduled meetings.
The push bars on exterior doors are never to be disabled or bypassed by any means (i.e., using a hex key, propping the door open, etc.).
This policy was established as a safety and security measure due to the increase of violent acts around our nation including schools and places of worship. Additionally, St. Thomas More has experienced its share of vandalism over the years.
This policy is not a new or stand-alone endeavor. Over the past 12 months, we have been working diligently to improve safety on campus. Recent safety initiatives include the installation of security cameras and expanding the electronic key card reading system, as well as improving parking lot lighting. Refining our facility access is a natural progression towards improved safety.
Yes. As this policy affects the way we do ministry, we are constantly discerning any changes necessary to preserve a balance between safe and effective ministry. Below, is a log of the changes made to this policy:
2022-11-03: The policy was updated to specify that those attending scheduled meetings with staff do not need to check in at the Pastoral Offices building or wear a visitors badge but must be escorted through the buildings at all times.
2022-03-24: The policy was updated to include "The push bars on exterior doors are never to be disabled or bypassed by any means (i.e., using a hex key, propping the door open, etc.)."
2022-01-30: The policy took effect.
If you have feedback on this policy, please provide it in writing to [email protected].