Please see below for all the ways you and/or your family can participate:
1) Central Texas Coalition for Life/ "40 Churchesfor Life" - sign up to pray for an hour or two in front of an abortion referrel clinic on Saturday, October 7th and Monday, October 9th. More information can be found at:
2) Baby Banks will be on the narthex table in the back of the church the weekend of September 30th. Pick one up as you enter or leave Mass. Banks are due back the weekend of October 28th & 29th
3) Knights of Columbus donation drive for the St. John Paul II Life Center - the church is collecting
4) Knights of Columbus Silver Rose Mass - October 29th at 9 a.m. Share the message of Our Lady of Guadalupe and promote respect for life.
Learn More
5) Bringing up the donation gifts at each Mass. This year we are asking parishioners to help bring up one or two items from the donation bin during Mass along with the offertory gifts. If you and your family would like to participate please click on the button below.
Bring up the donation gifts
To learn more about the 2023 USCCB Respect Life program please click on the link below. The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops has a wealth of information and resources for you to use in your ministries or faith groups. Every life is cherished, chosen and sent.
United States Conference of Catholic Bishops
If you have any questions or need additional assistance please email Patti Gallen, the Respect Life Ministry Leader