Saturday, March 1st, 2025
Thank you for volunteering your time to participate in St. Thomas More's 6th Annual All Parish Service Day. Our "Spring into Service" is an opportunity for all STM parishioners to give back to the Austin and surrounding community and jump-start your Lenten experience. I hope you find a volunteer site that fits you or your family's schedule and that you have a rewarding experience!
How to sign-up:
1) Click this link to see all the volunteer work sites:
2) Review the options listed and choose the spot(s) you like.
3) Sign up! It's Easy - you will NOT need to register an account or keep a password on SignUp.
Alternatively, you can sign up by emailing Jennifer or calling (512) 258-1161 x256.
Each one of us are called as stewards to care for and use our God given gifts and resources in a way that benefits others and promotes the common good. For Catholics, stewardship is rooted in the belief that all things ultimately belong to God, and that we are called to be faithful stewards of the gifts and resources entrusted to us by God. This includes not only material possessions, but also our time, talents, and abilities. By using these gifts in a way that benefits others and promotes the common good, we can help to build up the Church and the wider community beyond our SJN campus.
This year the church is selling St. Thomas More volunteer t-shirts to wear on the day of our All Parish Service Day
T-shirts cost $10 each and come in multiple sizes. We hope you will purchase one and wear with your friends and family anytime you are representing STM on or off our church campus!
Available sizes:
10 Adult Small
10 Adult Medium
10 Adult Large
10 Adult X-Lg
T-shirts will be sold after all the masses the weekend of Feb. 15th and 16th.
Cash, check or Venmo will be accepted.
T-shirts will also be sold at the church front desk during the week; ask for Jennifer Bibbo.